Reports and manuscripts with Quarto
What is quarto
- Open-source document format and computational notebook system
- Integrates text, code, and outout
- Can create multiple different types of products (documents, slides, websites, books)
Why not R Markdown?
Only because quarto is newer and more featured!
- Anything you already know how to do in R Markdown you can do in quarto, and more!
- All of these slides, website, etc. are all made in quarto.
- If you know and love R Markdown, by all means keep using it!
Quarto workflow
- Create a Quarto document
- Write code
- Write text
- Repeat 2-3 in whatever order you want
- Render repeatedly as you go
How does it work?
- You text in markdown and code in R
processes the code chunks, executes the R code, and inserts the code outputs (e.g., plots, tables) back into the markdown document
transforms the markdown document into various output formats